I collected the following variables, as I thought they might be in some relationship, but without any strict hypothesis. Note: this is a repeated measures design.
- phy = continuous DV (a physiological measure)
- lag = interval, quadratic, IV (a setting of the experiment, ranges from -5 to +5 seconds)
- group = factor, 2 level, IV (two different conditions, say males VS females)
- quest1 = continuous covariate (a questionnaire related to the measured stuff)
- quest2 = continuous covariate (another scale of the same questionnaire)
- id = factor subject id
I collected 15 subjects, each measured for 11 lags, for a total of 165 data points. My goal is to decide wether there is a credible difference between the two groups in the phy response, controlling for all the other variables, and to describe such difference.
So my logic was to build a full model:
MODEL1 <- lmer(phy ~ lag * I(lag^2) * group * quest1 * quest2 + (1|id))
and then to stepwise remove the interactions and to compare the models with likelihood ratio test, AIC and BIC, trough the anova() function.
My results are:
Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
MODEL8 10 385.70 416.76 -182.85 365.70
MODEL4 13 390.16 430.54 -182.08 364.16 1.5380 3 0.6735395
MODEL5 13 420.45 460.82 -197.22 394.45 0.0000 0 1.0000000
MODEL6 18 365.84 421.74 -164.92 329.84 64.6106 5 1.35e-12 ***
MODEL7 18 397.84 453.75 -180.92 361.84 0.0000 0 1.0000000
MODEL9 18 390.63 446.53 -177.31 354.63 7.2144 0 < 2.2e-16 ***
MODEL10 18 465.24 521.14 -214.62 429.24 0.0000 0 1.0000000
MODEL11 18 413.73 469.64 -188.87 377.73 51.5046 0 < 2.2e-16 ***
MODEL2 19 408.63 467.64 -185.31 370.63 7.1007 1 0.0077053 **
MODEL3 19 367.78 426.79 -164.89 329.78 40.8490 0 < 2.2e-16 ***
MODEL1 34 355.60 461.20 -143.80 287.60 42.1812 15 0.0002108 ***
Where MODEL1 is the full model, and the higher numbers are increasingly simple models. So except BIC, which is obviously penalizing the model complexity, AIC and likelihood test are telling me to keep a 5-way interaction!?
My questions are:
- Is my logic right?
- Should I believe in such a complex model?
- Is it ok with my relatively few datapoints 15 subjects x 11 repetitions
- How can I even begin to interpret or to plot the effects?
thank you for any suggestion on how to proceed!