Context Assume we train a model with a training set that cointains features $x_1,x_2,...,x_k$. However, we know in advance that there are many hidden variables influencing the output $x_{k+1},x_{k+2},..,x_N$ but during training all these are simply constant $x_j = const$ for $j>k$
However, the hidden variables will change when the model is deployed in the field and thus the prediction performances will drop. I wonder which is the best strategy for training. Whatever I do the model is naturally biased on the $x_1,x_2,...,x_k$ vars I can observe.
Question Given the need to find a fair trade-off between variance and bias, which are the consequences in this context?
Is better to move towards regularization with less variables $j < k$ or is it better to move towards variance $j=1,...,k$ trying even to add higher order features like $x_j^2, x_i x_j, ...$ and the like?
Conjecture My conjecture is that adding variance to an acceptable level in the subspace $R^k$ will result in very bad over fitting when deployed in $R^N$