The Question
Suppose I train a predictive model on a set of features $x_1, \dots, x_n$, but for some $i \neq j$ we have $x_i = x_j$ for every data point in the training set; i.e. one of these features is a totally redundant copy of the other.
What are the consequences for learning? Does it depend on whether my model is linear or nonlinear? Does it depend on my training algorithm?
More generally, what should I expect if one of the $x_i$'s is a linear combination of the other features for every point in the training set?
My thoughts so far
Suppose the true target function is a noise-free line, $y = w_1 x_1$. Then a basic linear model will learn the parameter $w_1$ exactly. Now I duplicate the feature $x_1$ by creating a copy $x_2 = x_1$. Any combination of weights in the set $\{(\hat{w}_1, \hat{w}_2): \hat{w}_1 + \hat{w}_2 = w_1\}$ will perfectly fit the data. I'm guessing that the training algorithm will influence which particular pair is chosen.