${\large \text{Section 1: Ridge regression with } \lambda \text{ known}}$
Linear Regression:
Under the assumption that $\lambda$ is known (which is a huge assumption) we can work out the distribution of the ridge regression estimator $\hat \beta_\lambda$ in an interpretable way.
We know that $\hat \beta_\lambda = (X^T X + \lambda I)^{-1} X^T Y$. Taking the SVD of $X$ we have $X = UDV^T$ so
\hat \beta_\lambda = (V D^2 V^T + \lambda I)^{-1} V D U^T Y = V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D U^T Y
= V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D \left[DV^TVD^{-1} \right] U^T Y
= V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D^2V^T \left[VD^{-1} U^T Y\right]
= V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D^2V^T \hat \beta.
Letting $A_\lambda = V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D^2V^T$ we can see that we have
\hat \beta_\lambda = A_\lambda \hat \beta \sim \mathcal N(A_\lambda \beta, \sigma^2 A_\lambda (X^T X)^{-1} A_\lambda).
This means that $A_\lambda$ captures both the increase in bias that we've incurred and the corresponding reduction in variance, and we can see how it does so by shrinking $\beta$ along the smaller principal components.
Working out the variance we have
A_\lambda (X^T X)^{-1} A_\lambda = V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-2} D^2 V^T
\hat \beta_\lambda \sim \mathcal N\left(V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-1}D^2V^T \beta, \sigma^2V (D^2 + \lambda I)^{-2} D^2 V^T\right).
From this we can work out the usual tests since everything except $\beta$ and $\sigma^2$ is known in the above equation. It is important to note the role that the bias of $\hat \beta_\lambda$ plays in these tests, though, as described here for instance.
Here I'll discuss how to adapt the standard GLM procedure to handle an $L_2$ penalty on $\beta$. For a given $\lambda$ this will allow us to get $\hat \beta_\lambda$, and if we ignore uncertainty in $\lambda$ (i.e. assume it is known) we can then make inference about $\beta$. This is basically straight from McCullagh and Nelder's GLM book, so I'm going to be pretty light on details and just highlight how the addition of the penalty changes things.
We will maximize the penalized log-likelihood $l$ by Fisher scoring (which is equivalent to Newton-Raphson if the canonical link is used). This means that we iterate
b^{(m+1)} = b^{(m)} - E\left( \frac{\partial l^2}{\partial \beta \partial \beta^T} \right)^{-1}_{(m)} \left(\frac{\partial l}{\partial \beta} \right)_{(m)}.
Letting $A_{(m)} = - E\left( \frac{\partial l^2}{\partial \beta \partial \beta^T} \right)_{(m)}$ we have
A_{(m)} b^{(m+1)} = A_{(m)} b^{(m)} + \left(\frac{\partial l}{\partial \beta} \right)_{(m)}.
In the aforementioned McCullagh and Nelder, they show that for the unpenalized case $A_{(m)} = X^T W^{(m)} X$, with $W^{(m)}$ being the diagonal weight matrix, so for our case we have $A_{(m)} = X^T W^{(m)} X + \lambda I$.
Again in the unpenalized case, we can show that $\left(\frac{\partial l}{\partial \beta} \right)_{(m)} = X^T W^{(m)} G^{(m)} (Y - \mu^{(m)})$ for $G^{(m)}$ diagonal with $G^{(m)}_{ii} = g'(\mu^{(m)}_i)$. Now, with the penalty, we have $\left(\frac{\partial l}{\partial \beta} \right)_{(m)} = X^T W^{(m)} G^{(m)} (Y - \mu^{(m)}) - \lambda b^{(m)}$.
Putting this together, we have
(X^T W^{(m)} X + \lambda I) b^{(m+1)} = (X^T W^{(m)} X + \lambda I) b^{(m)} + X^T W^{(m)} G^{(m)} (Y - \mu^{(m)}) - \lambda b^{(m)}
= X^T W^{(m)} (X b^{(m)} + G^{(m)}(Y - \mu^{(m)})) = X^T W^{(m)} (g(\mu^{(m)}) + G^{(m)}(Y - \mu^{(m)}))
so we can see that this exactly corresponds to performing IRLS on the same working response as in the unpenalized case, except we simply use the weighted ridge regression estimator at each step rather than the unpenalized WLS estimator.
As for the variance and distribution of $\hat \beta_\lambda$, we can just get this from the final IRLS fit, so
Var(\hat \beta_\lambda) = (X^T W X + \lambda I)^{-1} X^T W X (X^T W X + \lambda I)^{-1} = A I(\beta) A := \Sigma_\lambda
where $I(\beta)$ is the observed information coming from the actual likelihood of $\beta$ (which is not penalized).
Since linear weighted ridge regression is just WLS on a modified data set, and WLS is an MLE, we have that $\hat \beta_\lambda$ is asymptotically normal with variance $\Sigma_\lambda$ and we can base hypothesis tests off of this. As before, the bias of $\hat \beta_\lambda$ needs to be remembered.
${\large \text{Section 2: } \lambda \text{ unknown}}$
More realistically, if we do not want to assume that $\lambda$ is known then the main techniques available to us (to the best of my knowledge) are the bootstrap and a Bayesian analysis. Since ridge regression corresponds to a normal prior on $\beta$, and the normal distribution is its own conjugate prior, we have that the MAP and posterior mean are the same, i.e. $\hat \beta_\lambda$ is both the MAP and the posterior mean. This should make Bayesian inference very tractable. For the bootstrap, we still have the bias issue so it should be used with care. More details to come.
${\large \text{Section 3: The lasso}}$
For the lasso things get tricky but I believe that this paper by Lockhart, Taylor, and the Tibshiranis addresses your question (although I must confess I have only skimmed it -- as I have time I'll flesh this section out more).