I am new to Gibbs sampling and sampling in general, so here is a basic question. I am reading this tutorial. Equation (40) is our complicated joint probability and equation (49) the less complicated conditional probability. What is the main obstacle in sampling from (40) that calls for using (49)? After all, for every value of the parameters and variables we can evaluate it using a computational softwar, say R, cannot we?
For completeness I write below formula (40) and (49) :
$\mathrm{P}(\mathbb{C},\mathbf{L},\theta_0,\theta_1;\pmb\mu) =\frac{\Gamma(\gamma_{\pi0}+\gamma_{\pi1})\Gamma(C_1+\gamma_{\pi1})\Gamma(C_0+\gamma_{\pi0})}{\Gamma(\gamma_{\pi1})\Gamma(\gamma_{\pi0}) \Gamma(N+\gamma_{\pi0}+\gamma_{\pi1})}\times\Pi_{i=1}^V\theta_{1,i}^{\mathcal{N}_{\mathbb{C}_1}(i)+\gamma_{\theta_i}-1}\Pi_{i=1}^V\theta_{0,i}^{\mathcal{N}_{\mathbb{C}_0}(i)+\gamma_{\theta_i}-1}.\;\;\;(40)$