Let's assume we have two linear regression models $m_1$ and $m_2$, where $m_2$ is nested in $m_1$, and two data sets $d_1$ and $d_2$ which are of different size.
Calculating the AIC for each pair shows that the following equation is true:
$$ AIC_{m_2,d_1} - AIC_{m_1,d_1} > AIC_{m_2,d_2} - AIC_{m_1,d_2} $$
Can we conclude from this equation that the non-nested/full model $m_1$ "improves" $m_2$ on data $d_1$ more than on data set $d2$?
The conclusion might not be valid because the AIC values are calculated on different data sets and therefore might not be comparable. However, since actually AIC differences are compared the conclusion might be valid. What is your take on this?