I am analysing a dichotomous predicted variable for a cluster randomised trial. The model is below. The predicted variable is binary and there are two measures, pre- and post-intervention. There is a categorical group factor (intervention vs control) and the clustering variable is pracID. The model looks like this:
mod4 <- glmer(irr_fu_therapy_intent_bin ~ group + irr_base_therapy_intent_bin + (1 | pracID), data = dfIntTher, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
and the output looks like this
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
pracID (Intercept) 0 0
Number of obs: 205, groups: pracID, 20
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.536 0.495 -3.10 0.0019 **
groupintervention 1.238 0.544 2.27 0.0229 *
irr_base_therapy_intent_bin 4.816 0.713 6.76 1.4e-11 ***
Is it normal to get a 0 value like this for the between-cluster variance? I am confident that the dataframe itself is sound, so if I were very confident with this I would just assume this means that there is no correlation between individuals in eahc cluster, however I have read that the between-cluster variance is not as straightforward to estimate in a hierarchical logistic regression. I need to calculate the ICC and from here I have learned how to derive the within-cluster component, but I am a very wary of 0 values.
Any advice on this or alternative methods for calculating the ICC would be much appreciated