I am trying to compute a distance matrix using the method "SVRspell" (seqdistOO function).
I want to use an exponential weight of spell length equal to 2 and I want to discard matching sub-sequences of length one. No states' similarity matrix.
Note: sequences in the 'seqs' object below have a length of 25 (ages 15 to 39) and the alphabet has 20 states (marital status plus children ever born).
So, I run this
>svr<-seqdistOO(seqs, method="SVRspell", tpow=2, kweights=sqrt(c(0,2:25)))
[>] 6315 sequences with 20 distinct events/states
[>] 5023 distinct sequences
[>] min/max sequence length: 1/11
[>] computing distances using NMSMST metric
[>] total time: 30.41 secs
I do not understand why it seems to be using a NMSMST metric instead of the SVRspell with the specified parameters. In my understanding SVRspell is not equivalent to NMSMST
Am I coding something wrong? or is it because SVRspell pertains to the 'family' of NMS metrics?