The procedure described in the question is intuitive, clear, and accurate.
Problem Formulation
Formally, this is a hypergeometric sampling problem: in a population of $N=1000$ subjects, of which $K$ are in Class 1 and $N-K$ are in Class 2, a sample of size $n=50$ is taken without replacement and it is observed that all $n$ of them are in Class 1. A $95\%$ lower confidence limit $K_{0.95}$ for $K$ is the smallest value that is consistent with these data in the sense that if $K$ were any less than $K_{0.95}$, then the chance that every member of the sample is in Class 1 (as it turned out to be) would be less than $1 - 0.95 = 0.05 = \alpha$, which would be implausible.
This chance, as a function of the unknown $K$, is easy to compute. Because the sample of $n$ can be taken one at a time, and each time the values of both $K$ and $N$ decrease by $1$, it is equal to the product of the individual chances of observing a subject in Class 1:
$$P(K,n,N) = \frac{K}{N} \times \frac{K-1}{N-1} \times \cdots \times \frac{K-n+1}{N-n+1}.$$
This is a product of a sequence of decreasing fractions. Since $n\ll N$, the obvious bounds (based on replacing each term by the first fraction $K/N$ on the one hand and the first fraction that has been omitted, $(K-n)/(N-n)$, on the other hand) give an excellent approximation:
$$\left(\frac{K-n}{N-n}\right)^n \lt P(K,n,N) \lt \left(\frac{K}{N}\right)^n.$$
The value of $K_{0.95}$ will therefore lie between the solutions $K$ to
$$n\log\left(\frac{K-n}{N-n}\right) \lt \log(\alpha) \lt n\log\left(\frac{K}{N}\right),$$
given by
$$n + (N-n)(1 - 3/n) \approx n + (N-n)(1 + \log(\alpha)/n) \gt K;\\K \gt N \exp(\log(\alpha)/n) \approx N \exp(-3/n).$$
(The appearance of $3$ as the approximation to $-\log(0.05)= 2.9957\ldots$ is the basis for this "Rule of Three".) With $N=1000$ and $n=50$ we have
$$941.764 \lt K_{0.95} \lt 943.082$$
(and these bounds are not appreciably changed by using $3$ instead of $-\log(0.05)$).
The right hand value (upper bound) is the value proposed in the question. In fact, the precise solution is $K_{0.95} = 943$ because
$$P(943, 50, 1000) = 0.04924 \lt 0.05 \le 0.051099 = P(944, 50, 1000).$$
instances out of the population of 1000, based on sampling? $\endgroup$