Suppose there is a model for the data $Y$ that depends on a parameter $\theta$ and, for a particular experiment, there is a true value of the parameter, $\theta_0$.
You develop an estimator $\hat\theta = \hat\theta(Y)$, i.e. the estimator is a function of the data $Y$. Then the bias is
$$ bias(\hat\theta) = E_{Y|\theta_0}[\hat\theta(Y) - \theta_0] $$
where the expectation is taken with respect to the randomness of the data $Y$ for the given true value of the parameter $\theta_0$ (and the subscript on the expectation attempts to make this explicit). As we are talking about an expectation over possible realizations of data, this is a frequentist concept.
In the description above, I have not mentioned how the estimator arises. This estimator could be a method of moments, maximum likelihood, Bayes, or something else estimator. Thus, the concept of bias of an estimator is frequentist, but the estimator itself could arise from a Bayesian analysis.