Im running a Random Forest to classify a binary outcome in R. I use k fold Cross Validation to determine the best model features (mtry) and choose the best model based off the highest ROC value. My ROC values are high, see below:
mtry ROC Sens Spec
1 0.7874624 0.4661538 0.9264744
2 0.8798629 0.6280128 0.9872436
3 0.9658186 0.7065385 1.0000000
4 0.9788579 0.8607051 1.0000000
5 0.9837602 0.8835256 1.0000000
6 0.9851584 0.8886538 1.0000000
When i run my model with 6 mtry as suggested by the k fold Cross validation and test this model on the test set i get very poor performance, see below confusion mmatrix:
predictions No Yes
No 139 19
Yes 27 2
I thought k fold Cross Validation is a method that can be used to reduce the overfitting issue and guide you in choosing the correct model. However when i pick the best model suggested by k fold Cross Validation the model is extremly poor at predicting unseen data. I have two questions:
1) Is the model not predicting unseen data because the model is overfit to the train data
2) What is the point in k fold Cross Validation if overfitting is still an issue - i.e. why not just use the traditional method of hold one out with a train/test split?
Addition: Here is my code whcih shows the variables i am using.
enter code here
Blue, Green are categorical - colour
Mesh and Twine are continuos and measure the size of a fishing net in mm
NE and SW are categorical and represent two different seasons (North East and South West Monsoon)