I am implementing a statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARIMA
model with daily advertising spend data. I have a dataset that ranges from Jan 1 2016 - present. Using a rolling forecast, I am able to generate fairly accurate next-day predictions.
However, when my training data reaches EOM, the model has trouble predicting the next month's daily spend. Empirically, there is a spike in daily spend at the end of each month, with a significant drop off when the new month begins.
I'm using a 19 day lag period with first order differences.
I figured the model would account for these periodic dips. I've considered adding an observation for the first day of the next month, but have no idea how to estimate this or if this is even a good idea. I'd prefer not to extrapolate data points in the future.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Data set:
for scaling before training the model. $\endgroup$