I am comparing several models using PROC GLIMMIX, and many of my models are coming out with the exact same AIC value, even when new variables are added. For example, the code below yields the exact same AIC values, even though the variables are changing. Is this a problem with the code or with my understanding of AIC? I'm new to both SAS and generalized linear mixed models.
proc glimmix data=data1;
class x1 x4;
model Response = x1 x2 x3;
random x1;
proc glimmix data=data1;
class x1 x4;
model Response = x1 x2;
random x1;
proc glimmix data=data1;
class x1 x4;
model Response = x1 x3;
random x1;
proc glimmix data=data1;
class x1 x4;
model Response = x1;
random x1;
Any help you could provide would be much appreciated!