No, that is not defensible. The great hurdle that model selection procedures are designed to overcome is that the the cardinality of the true support $\left| S^* \right| = \left| \left\{ j : \beta^*_j \neq 0 \right\} \right|$ is unknown. (Here we have that $\beta^*$ is the "true" coefficient.) Because $|S^*|$ is unknown, a model selection procedure has to exhaustively search over all $2^p$ possible models; however, if we did know $|S^*|$, we could just check the ${p \choose |S^*|}$ models, which is far fewer.
The theory of the lasso relies on the regularization parameter $\lambda$ being sufficiently large so as to make the selected model sufficiently sparse. It could be that your 10 features are too many or too few, since it isn't trivial to turn a lower bound on $\lambda$ into an upper bound on $|S^*|$.
Let $\hat\beta$ be our data-driven estimate for $\beta^*$, and put $\hat{S} = \{j \, : \, \hat\beta_j \neq 0 \}$. Then, perhaps you're trying to ensure that $S^* \subseteq \hat{S}$ so that you've recovered at least the relevant features? Or maybe you're trying to establish that $\hat{S} \subseteq S^*$ so that you know that features you've found are all worthwhile? In these cases, your procedure would be more justified if you had prior information on the relative sizes of $S^*$.
Also, note, you can leave some coefficients unpenalized when performing lasso in, for instance, glmnet