Batch normalization has been credited with substantial performance improvements in deep neural nets. Plenty of material on the internet shows how to implement it on an activation-by-activation basis. I've already implemented backprop using matrix algebra, and given that I'm working in high-level languages (while relying on Rcpp
(and eventually GPU's) for dense matrix multiplication), ripping everything out and resorting to for
-loops would probably slow my code substantially, in addition to being a huge pain.
The batch normalization function is $$ b(x_p) = \gamma \left(x_p - \mu_{x_p}\right) \sigma^{-1}_{x_p} + \beta $$ where
- $x_p$ is the $p$th node, before it gets activated
- $\gamma$ and $\beta$ are scalar parameters
- $\mu_{x_p}$ and $\sigma_{x_p}$ are the mean and SD of $x_p$. (Note that the square root of of the variance plus a fudge factor is normally used -- let's assume nonzero elements for compactness)
In matrix form, batch normalization for a whole layer would be $$ b(\mathbf{X}) = \left(\gamma\otimes\mathbf{1}_p\right)\odot \left(\mathbf{X} - \mu_{\mathbf{X}}\right) \odot\sigma^{-1}_{\mathbf{X}} + \left(\beta\otimes\mathbf{1}_p\right) $$ where
- $\mathbf{X}$ is $N\times p$
- $\mathbf{1}_N$ is a column vector of ones
- $\gamma$ and $\beta$ are now row $p$-vectors of the per-layer normalization parameters
- $\mu_{\mathbf{X}}$ and $\sigma_{\mathbf{X}}$ are $N \times p$ matrices, where each column is a $N$-vector of columnwise means and standard deviations
- $\otimes$ is the Kronecker product and $\odot$ is the elementwise (Hadamard) product
A very simple one-layer neural net with no batch normalization and a continuous outcome is $$ y = a\left(\mathbf{X\Gamma}_1\right)\Gamma_2 + \epsilon $$
- $\Gamma_1$ is $p_1 \times p_2$
- $\Gamma_2$ is $p_2 \times 1$
- $a(.)$ is the activation function
If the loss is $R = N^{-1}\displaystyle\sum\left(y - \hat{y}\right)^2$, then the gradients are $$ \begin{array}{lr} \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_1} = -2\mathbf{V}^T \hat\epsilon\\ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_2} = \mathbf{X}^T \left(a'(\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\Gamma}_1) \odot -2\hat\epsilon \mathbf{\Gamma}_2^T\right) \\ \end{array} $$
- $\mathbf{V} = a\left(\mathbf{X}\Gamma_1\right)$
- $\hat{\epsilon} = y-\hat{y}$
Under batch normalization, the net becomes $$ y = a\left(b\left(\mathbf{X}\Gamma_1\right)\right)\Gamma_2 $$ or $$ y = a\Big(\left(\gamma\otimes\mathbf{1}_N\right)\odot \left(\mathbf{X\Gamma_1} - \mu_{\mathbf{X\Gamma_1}}\right) \odot\sigma^{-1}_{\mathbf{X\Gamma_1}} + \left(\beta\otimes\mathbf{1}_N\right)\Big)\mathbf{\Gamma_2} $$ I have no idea how to compute the derivatives of Hadamard and Kronecker products. On the subject of Kronecker products, the literature gets fairly arcane.
Is there a practical way of computing $\partial R/\partial \gamma$, $\partial R/\partial \beta$, and $\partial R/\partial \mathbf{\Gamma_1}$ within the matrix framework? A simple expression, without resorting to node-by-node computation?
Update 1:
I've figured out $\partial R/\partial \beta$ -- sort of. It is: $$ \mathbf{1}_{N}^T \left(a'(\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\Gamma}_1) \odot -2\hat\epsilon \mathbf{\Gamma}_2^T\right) $$ Some R code demonstrates that this is equivalent to the looping way to do it. First set up the fake data:
#numbers of obs, variables, and hidden layers
N <- 10
p1 <- 7
p2 <- 4
a <- function (v) {
v[v < 0] <- 0
ap <- function (v) {
v[v < 0] <- 0
v[v >= 0] <- 1
# parameters
G1 <- matrix(rnorm(p1*p2), nrow = p1)
G2 <- rnorm(p2)
gamma <- 1:p2+1
beta <- (1:p2+1)*-1
# error
u <- rnorm(10)
# matrix batch norm function
b <- function(x, bet = beta, gam = gamma){
xs <- scale(x)
gk <- t(matrix(gam)) %x% matrix(rep(1, N))
bk <- t(matrix(bet)) %x% matrix(rep(1, N))
# activation-wise batch norm function
bi <- function(x, i){
xs <- scale(x)
gk <- t(matrix(gamma[i]))
bk <- t(matrix(beta[i]))
X <- round(runif(N*p1, -5, 5)) %>% matrix(nrow = N)
# the neural net
y <- a(b(X %*% G1)) %*% G2 + u
Then compute derivatives:
# drdbeta -- the matrix way
drdb <- matrix(rep(1, N*1), nrow = 1) %*% (-2*u %*% t(G2) * ap(b(X%*%G1)))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -0.4460901 0.3899186 1.26758 -0.09589582
# the looping way
foreach(i = 1:4, .combine = c) %do%{
sum(-2*u*matrix(ap(bi(X[,i, drop = FALSE]%*%G1[i,], i)))*G2[i])
[1] -0.44609015 0.38991862 1.26758024 -0.09589582
They match. But I'm still confused, because I don't really know why this works. The MatCalc notes referenced by @Mark L. Stone say that the derivative of $\beta \otimes \mathbf{1}_N$ should be
$$ \frac{\partial A \otimes B}{\partial A} = \left(I_{nq} \otimes T_{mp}\right)\left(I_n\otimes vec(B) \otimes I_m\right) $$ where the subscripts $m$, $n$, and $p$, $q$ are the dimensions of $A$ and $B$. $T$ is the commutation matrix, which is just 1 here because both inputs are vectors. I try this and get a result that doesn't seem helpful:
# playing with the kroneker derivative rule
A <- t(matrix(beta))
B <- matrix(rep(1, N))
diag(rep(1, ncol(A) *ncol(B))) %*% diag(rep(1, ncol(A))) %x% (B) %x% diag(nrow(A))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 0 0 0
[2,] 1 0 0 0
[13,] 0 1 0 0
[14,] 0 1 0 0
[28,] 0 0 1 0
[29,] 0 0 1 0
[39,] 0 0 0 1
[40,] 0 0 0 1
This isn't conformable. Clearly I'm not understanding those Kronecker derivative rules. Help with those would be great. I'm still totally stuck on the other derivatives, for $\gamma$ and $\mathbf{\Gamma_1}$ -- those are harder because they don't enter additively like $\beta \otimes \mathbf{1}$ does.
Update 2
Reading textbooks, I'm fairly sure that $\partial R/\partial \Gamma_1$ and $\partial R/\partial \gamma$ will require use of the vec()
operator. But I'm apparently unable to follow the derivations sufficiently as to be able to translate them into code. For example, $\partial R/\partial \Gamma_1$ is going to involve taking the derivative of $w\odot\mathbf{X\Gamma_1}$ with respect to $\mathbf{\Gamma_1}$, where $w \equiv (\gamma \otimes \mathbf{1}) \odot \sigma_{\mathbf{X\Gamma_1}}^{-1}$ (which we can treat as a constant matrix for the moment).
My instinct is to simply say "the answer is $w\odot\mathbf{X}$", but that obviously doesn't work because $w$ isn't conformable with $\mathbf{X}$.
I know that $$ \partial(A \odot B) = \partial A \odot B + A \odot \partial B $$
and from this, that
$$ \frac{\partial vec(w \odot \mathbf{X\Gamma_1})}{\partial vec(\mathbf{\Gamma_1})^T} = vec(\mathbf{X\Gamma_1})I\frac{\partial vec(w)}{\partial vec(\mathbf{\Gamma_1})^T} + vec(w)I\frac{\partial vec(\mathbf{X\Gamma_1})}{\partial vec(\mathbf{\Gamma_1})^T} $$ But I'm uncertain how to evaluate this, let alone code it.
Update 3
Making progress here. I woke up at 2AM last night with this idea. Math is not good for sleep.
Here is $\partial R/\partial \mathbf{\Gamma_1}$, after some notational sugar:
- $w \equiv (\gamma \otimes \mathbf{1}) \odot \sigma_{\mathbf{X\Gamma_1}}^{-1}$
- $\text{"stub"} \equiv a'(b(\mathbf{X\Gamma}_1)) \odot -2\hat\epsilon \mathbf{\Gamma}_2^T$
Here's what you have after you get to the end of the chain rule: $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_1} = \frac{\partial w \odot \mathbf{X\Gamma}_1}{\partial \Gamma_1}\left(\text{"stub"}\right) $$ Start by doing this the looping way -- $i$ and $j$ will subscript columns and $\mathbf{I}$ is a conformable identity matrix: $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_{ij}} = \left(w_i \odot \mathbf{X_i}\right)^T\left(\text{"stub"}_j\right) $$ $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_{ij}} = \left(\mathbf{I} w_i \mathbf{X_i}\right)^T\left(\text{"stub"}_j\right) $$ $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma_{ij}} = \mathbf{X_i}^T\mathbf{I} w_i\left(\text{"stub"}_j\right) $$ tl;dr you're basically pre-multiplying the stub by the batchnorm scale factors. This should be equivalent to: $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \Gamma} = \mathbf{X}^T\left(\text{"stub"}\odot w\right) $$
And, in fact it is:
stub <- (-2*u %*% t(G2) * ap(b(X%*%G1)))
w <- t(matrix(gamma)) %x% matrix(rep(1, N)) * (apply(X%*%G1, 2, sd) %>% t %x% matrix(rep(1, N)))
drdG1 <- t(X) %*% (stub*w)
loop_drdG1 <- drdG1*NA
for (i in 1:7){
for (j in 1:4){
loop_drdG1[i,j] <- t(X[,i]) %*% diag(w[,j]) %*% (stub[,j])
> loop_drdG1
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -61.531877 122.66157 360.08132 -51.666215
[2,] 7.047767 -14.04947 -41.24316 5.917769
[3,] 124.157678 -247.50384 -726.56422 104.250961
[4,] 44.151682 -88.01478 -258.37333 37.072659
[5,] 22.478082 -44.80924 -131.54056 18.874078
[6,] 22.098857 -44.05327 -129.32135 18.555655
[7,] 79.617345 -158.71430 -465.91653 66.851965
> drdG1
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -61.531877 122.66157 360.08132 -51.666215
[2,] 7.047767 -14.04947 -41.24316 5.917769
[3,] 124.157678 -247.50384 -726.56422 104.250961
[4,] 44.151682 -88.01478 -258.37333 37.072659
[5,] 22.478082 -44.80924 -131.54056 18.874078
[6,] 22.098857 -44.05327 -129.32135 18.555655
[7,] 79.617345 -158.71430 -465.91653 66.851965
Update 4
Here, I think, is $\partial R / \partial \gamma$. First
- $\widetilde{\mathbf{X\Gamma}} \equiv \left(\mathbf{X\Gamma} - \mu_{\mathbf{X\Gamma}}\right)\odot \sigma^{-1}_\mathbf{X\Gamma}$
- $\tilde\gamma \equiv \gamma \otimes\mathbf{1}_N$
Similar to before, the chain rule gets you as far as $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \tilde\gamma} = \frac{\partial \tilde\gamma \odot \widetilde{\mathbf{X\Gamma}}}{\partial \tilde\gamma}\left(\text{"stub"}\right) $$ Looping gives you $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \tilde\gamma_i} = (\widetilde{\mathbf{X\Gamma}})_i^T \mathbf{I}\tilde\gamma_i \left(\text{"stub"}_i\right) $$ Which, like before, is basically pre-multiplying the stub. It should therefore be equivalent to: $$ \frac{\partial R}{\partial \tilde\gamma} = (\widetilde{\mathbf{X\Gamma}})^T \left(\text{"stub"} \odot \tilde\gamma \right) $$
It sort of matches:
drdg <- t(scale(X %*% G1)) %*% (stub * t(matrix(gamma)) %x% matrix(rep(1, N)))
loop_drdg <- foreach(i = 1:4, .combine = c) %do% {
t(scale(X %*% G1)[,i]) %*% (stub[,i, drop = F] * gamma[i])
> drdg
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.8580574 -1.125017 -4.876398 0.4611406
[2,] -4.5463304 5.960787 25.837103 -2.4433071
[3,] 2.0706860 -2.714919 -11.767849 1.1128364
[4,] -8.5641868 11.228681 48.670853 -4.6025996
> loop_drdg
[1] 0.8580574 5.9607870 -11.7678486 -4.6025996
The diagonal on the first is the same as the vector on the second. But really since the derivative is with respect to a matrix -- albeit one with a certain structure, the output should be a similar matrix with the same structure. Should I take the diagonal of the matrix approach and simply take it to be $\gamma$? I'm not sure.
It seems that I have answered my own question but I am unsure whether I am correct. At this point I will accept an answer that rigorously proves (or disproves) what I've sort of hacked together.
to implement it efficiently is useful. $\endgroup$