I am hearing a lot about probabilistic programming.
Turns out its just a way to specify probabilistic graphical models.
Like Tensorflow is to neural networks.
So, why use it? Do you know of any place where it has been useful?
I am hearing a lot about probabilistic programming.
Turns out its just a way to specify probabilistic graphical models.
Like Tensorflow is to neural networks.
So, why use it? Do you know of any place where it has been useful?
If you ask about software, among the most popular probabilistic programming frameworks are BUGS, Jags, Stan, PyMC, INLA, and Edward.
If you ask about success stories, it has been used for many years by mediacal researchers, as described by Spiegelhalter et al in Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health‐Care Evaluation, Andrew Gelman advocates their usage in social sciences, and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers and John Kruschke write much about their usage in psychology, physicists at CERN seem to use it, it is used by Google including the upcoming probabilistic interface in tensorflow, Facebook has released their time-series forecasting package that uses Stan, Uber has released their own probabilistic programming language and many, many others.
TLDR; it is very popular in many areas of research and industries.
See also the What is probabilistic programming? thread.