I think it's important to distinguish between
- whether finite sample math as it relates to $R^2$, $TSS$, $SSR$, etc. works out in the non-linear case as it does with linear models;
- whether $R^2$ is still informative in the non-linear, possibly misspecified, regression, case; and
- to what extent is inference with an empirically determined $R^2$ rigorous.
Packages such as scikit-learn have implemented $R^2$ in their regression classes, so at least some people find it useful.
is not much smaller than
$$TSS = \sum_{i=1}^n(Y_i-\bar{Y})^2,$$
then my personal intuition tells me not to pick the regression method (whether linear or non-linear) that gave $\hat{Y}_i$. Depending on the method and amount of training data, I may even think that the predictors are not so good when $SSR/TSS$ is large.
But what is it that we are actually trying to infer with
If the approximation of $\mathbb{E}[Y_i|X_i]$, the conditional expectation (mean regression) function, by $\hat{Y}_i$ is good, it ought to be the case that
approximates well its population-level analouge
$$\mathbb{E}[ (Y_i-\mathbb{E}[Y_i|X_i])^2 ] = \mathbb{E}[\text{Var}[Y_i|X_i]].$$
For this to hold, the bias of $\hat{Y}_i$ should be small.
Moreover, given large enough $n$, it should be the case that
If we believe this to be the case, then
$$R^2\approx 1-\frac{\mathbb{E}[ \text{Var}[Y_i|X_i] ] }{ \text{Var}[Y_i] }=:R^2_{ \text{population} }.$$
The law of total variance, which holds regardless of whether $\mathbb{E}[Y_i|X_i]$ is linear or not, helps us see that
$$R^2_{ \text{population} } = \frac{ \text{Var}[\mathbb{E}[Y_i|X_i]] }{ \text{Var}[\mathbb{E}[Y_i|X_i]]+\mathbb{E}[\text{Var}[Y_i|X_i]] }.$$
As I hope is becoming apparent, if
well, and $R^2$ is large, this seems to imply we can explain $Y_i$ well with $X_i$. This is because most of the variation in $Y_i$ comes from its relation to $X_i$.
Formal statistical inference of $R^2_{\text{population}}$ is most ideal. Alas, it is difficult - without assumptions - to rigorously characterize a general sampling distribution of $R^2$ as we can do in the linear regression case.
Assuming we are calculating $R^2$ with a fairly large test data set (or cross-validation sets), and given that we are sometimes not sure whether we've correctly specified our regression function, in practice it may be somewhat okay to assume the finite sample $R^2$ is an underestimate of the elusive population quantity $R^2_{\text{population}}$. Afterall, one can show that