I am trying to asses the need for multi level model. I know have to use a multi level model but I am doing this any way to include it as background information.
My study was a 12 week long study involving two diets (diet). Outcome measurements such as weight, waist circumference etc. were taken at time (time) = 0,6,and 12 week intervals. (Code) stands for subjects.
I am using Discovering Statistics Using R by Andy Field, Jeremy Miles and Zoe Fields. This book suggests to build a base model that is "intercept only" and then a model that is "random intercept only" and to compare the outputs in anova to check whether the random intercept model improves the model.
These are the models I created to asses the need for multi level model.
- Predict weight from intercept only
- Predict weight from intercept only but let intercepts vary across code (subjects)
- Predict weight from intercept only but let intercepts vary across diet
- Predict weight from intercept only but let intercepts vary across time
- Predict weight from intercept only but let intercepts vary across time and code (subject)
Predict weight from intercept only but let intercepts vary across diet and code (subject)
interceptOnly <-gls (weight ~ 1, data = dat2, method = "ML") randomInterceptOnly <-lme(weight ~ 1, data = dat2, random = ~1|code, method = "ML") randomInterceptOnly <-lme(weight ~ 1, data = dat2, random = ~1|diet, method = "ML") randomInterceptOnly <-lme(weight ~ 1, data = dat2, random = ~1|time, method = "ML") randomInterceptOnlytimecode <- lme(weight ~ 1, data = dat2, random = ~time|code, method = "ML") randomInterceptOnlydietcode <- lme(weight ~ 1, data = dat2, random = ~diet|code, method = "ML")
I then used anova() to determine which model provides an improvement.
Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
interceptOnly 1 2 905.1530 910.5900 -450.5765
randomInterceptOnly 2 3 691.2088 699.3643 -342.6044 1 vs 2 215.9442 <.0001
randomInterceptOnlycode 3 3 691.2088 699.3643 -342.6044
randomInterceptOnlydiet 4 3 890.7966 898.9521 -442.3983
randomInterceptOnlytime 5 3 907.1530 915.3085 -450.5765
randomInterceptOnlytimecode 6 5 648.5658 662.1583 -319.2829 5 vs 6 262.5873 <.0001
randomInterceptOnlycodediet 7 5 695.1268 708.7193 -342.5634
(Models 2 and 3 are redundant)
Based on this it seems that 'random intercept only code' and 'random intercept only time | code' provide significant improvement to the model. Therefore, a mixed effect model is warranted.
Is this a correct interpretation?
Thanks for taking the time to read this!