
Suppose I have two models, each of which have the purpose of estimating a sequence of magnitudes. Suppose further that there are $N$ such magnitudes to be estimated, and that each magnitude is know to me, as the creator of the models, such that I can compute RMSE for each model across the $N$ magnitudes.

My question is the following:

When the two models have estimated the $N$ magnitudes, and I have computed the RMSE for each model, what statistic can I then use to determine if the RMSE generated by one model is significantly smaller than the RMSE generated by the other?


1 Answer 1


The standard asymptotic test is the ; see its tag wiki and literature cited there.

In your particular case, you have , since each model predicts $N$ different magnitudes. A model accounting for this effect would be appropriate, e.g., a .


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