I've done a bit of reading and couldn't find a formula. I did find an article looking at estimation of PAF in a prospective study - https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/171/7/837/85797 - which I didn't completely understand but I think you need individual-level data for the regression model-based estimation of relative risks.
I therefore used a Monte Carlo method to estimate confidence intervals, and created a general function:
# Monte Carlo estimation of 95% CIs for a PAF
# dat is a data frame
# mod_var is the modifiable variable (string)
# ref is the reference category of the modifiable variable (string)
# adj_vars is a vector a non-modifiable variables (e.g. age, sex)
# time is the time variable (e.g. person-years)
# event is the events variable (e.g. deaths)
# N is the number of Monte Carlo simulations (integer)
# point.estimate (MEAN or MEDIAN) is the method for reporting the point estimate
mc_paf <- function(dat, mod_var, ref, adj_vars, time = 'pys', event = 'deaths', N = 10000, point.estimate = 'MEAN') {
# deaths and mortality rates
rd <- sapply(dat[,event], function(x) rpois(N, x))
rd_rate <- t(t(rd) / dat[,time])
# which are the relevant reference groups?
refn <- dat[,c(mod_var, adj_vars)]
refn$nc1 <- seq_len(nrow(refn))
refn_ref <- refn[refn[,mod_var] == ref,]
refn_ref[,mod_var] <- NULL
names(refn_ref) <- c(adj_vars, 'nc2')
refn <- merge(refn, refn_ref, by = adj_vars)
refn <- refn$nc2[order(refn$nc1)]
# expected
expected <- t(t(rd_rate[,refn]) * dat[,time])
# attributable
attributable <- rd - expected
attributable <- attributable[,dat[,mod_var] != ref] # remove those in reference category
attributable <- rowSums(attributable)
# PAF and results
pafs <- attributable / rowSums(rd)
point <- if (point.estimate == 'MEAN') mean(pafs) else median(pafs)
c(point, quantile(pafs, c(0.025, 0.975)))
# Example (from question)
dat <- data.frame(
class = c(rep('high', 4), rep('low', 4)),
age = rep(rep(c('young', 'old'), each = 2), 2),
sex = rep(c('male', 'female'), 4),
pys = c(100, 120, 40, 80, 200, 200, 160, 200),
deaths = c(10, 12, 8, 12, 30, 30, 40, 40),
stringsAsFactors = F
# Monte-Carlo confidence intervals with 1M simulations
mc_paf(dat, N = 1000000, mod_var = 'class', ref = 'high', adj_vars = c('age', 'sex'), time = 'pys', event = 'deaths')
# PAF = 0.21 (95% CI 0-0.42)
# Manual calculation of PAF
dat$rate <- dat$deaths / dat$pys
dat$expected <- dat$pys * rep(dat$rate[1:4], 2)
dat$att <- dat$deaths - dat$expected
sum(dat$att) / sum(dat$deaths)
# Second example (with more levels)
dat2 <- structure(list(smoke = c("current", "current", "current", "ex",
"ex", "ex", "never", "never", "never", "current", "current",
"current", "ex", "ex", "ex", "never", "never", "never"), age = c("50-59",
"60-69", "70-79", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79", "50-59", "60-69",
"70-79", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79",
"50-59", "60-69", "70-79"), sex = c("male", "male", "male", "male",
"male", "male", "male", "male", "male", "female", "female", "female",
"female", "female", "female", "female", "female", "female"),
pys = c(1578L, 1448L, 1345L, 2529L, 2340L, 2156L, 945L, 921L,
900L, 1785L, 1645L, 1602L, 1932L, 1777L, 1711L, 1445L, 1390L,
1388L), deaths = c(269L, 281L, 366L, 242L, 273L, 331L, 46L,
77L, 84L, 256L, 289L, 363L, 147L, 178L, 237L, 99L, 80L, 134L
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -18L))
mc_paf(dat2, N = 1000000, mod_var = 'smoke', ref = 'never', adj_var = c('age', 'sex'))
# PAF = 0.43 (95% CI 0.38-0.48)
# Manual calculation of PAF
dat2$rate <- dat2$deaths / dat2$pys
dat2_ref <- dat2[dat2$smoke == 'never',]
dat2_ref[,c('pys', 'deaths', 'smoke')] <- NULL
names(dat2_ref)[3] <- 'ref_rate'
dat2 <- merge(dat2, dat2_ref)
dat2$expected <- dat2$pys * dat2$ref_rate
dat2$att <- dat2$deaths - dat2$expected
sum(dat2$att) / sum(dat2$deaths)