Let's suppose that the true model is: $$ y_t^* = x_t^* \beta + e_t^* $$ and suppose that data on $x_t^*$ is observed with error: $$ x_t = x_t^* + u_t $$ If we consider the regression $y_t^* = x_t \beta + e_t$, we have the issue that the regressor is endogenous, i.e. $E(e_t x_t) \neq 0$. So that the OLS estimator $\hat{\beta}_{OLS}$ will be biased and inconsistent.
I found that: $$ E[\hat{\beta}_{OLS}] = \beta \frac{Var(x_t^*)}{Var(x_t^*) + \sigma_u^2} $$ so the expected value of the estimator is downward biased.
What are common ways to correct for correct for the measurement error?