Say I have a set of my top 100 favorite movies from a list of 1000 possible choices
$$ \{M_1,M_2,..., M_{100}\} $$
And have asked my friends to guess my top movies by ranking them in order of confidence.
Each friend submits their ranking of movies,
$$ [F_{1,1},F_{1,2}, ..., F_{1,100 }] $$
I want to evaluate how well my friends know me by comparing their lists and seeing who ranked movies that I included the highest on average.
To do this, the naive things to do would be to take those movies from my friend's list that intersect with my movie set, and compute the average ranking over that list, and compare those rankings.
However, there is a correlation between the size of the overlap and the average ranking. That is, the more movies my friend correctly included in their list (of any rank) the higher their average ranking will be.
What is the appropriate transformation to decouple average rank from length of overlap, in this case?