I am trying to simulate a vine copula with a predefined dependence structure, so I can generate samples for my desired dependence structure. However, I am having trouble defining the Vine structure to get the desired dependence structure.
I want to simulate a dependence structure where one variable, $X$, is dependent with a defined strength to $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$, but also that all pairwise dependencies between $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ are $0$, i.e, that they are all independent of each other. A correlation matrix which could describe such a dependence structure, for example, is:
$$ R= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & .4 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & .5 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & .6 \\ .4 & .5 & .6 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$ Assume $R$ is Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) for now. Now, I'd like to capture this dependence structure as a Vine. If for example, I were to simulate this as a C-Vine, my understanding is that I would set up the pairwise copulas as follows:
$$C_{1,2}^{\Theta} = 0.4, C_{1,3}^{\Theta} = 0.5, C_{1,4}^{\Theta} = 0.6, C_{2,3|1}^{\Theta} = 0.0, C_{2,4|1}^{\Theta} = 0.0, C_{3,4|1,2}^{\Theta} = 0.0$$
I've tried simulating this VineCopula in R, but the pairwise scatter plots are not showing independence (visually) between $Y_i$. My simulation code in R is:
d = 4
dd = 6
fam1 = rep(3,dd) # 3 represents Clayton copula
par1 = c(2,3,4,0.1,0.1,0.1) # values of Theta for clayton copula
U1 = CDVineSim(N, fam1, par1, type=1)
Since I'm experimenting w/ Clayton copulas, and there is a conditional sampling approach to acquiring Clayton Copula samples, I have also tried that method. Here, I generate $X$, and set to $u_1$. Then, each $Y_i$ is generated by setting $Y_i = u_2^i$, where each $$u_2^i = u_1*(p^{-\alpha/(1+\alpha)} - 1 + u_1^\alpha)^{-1/\alpha}$$, and $p$ is samples of a uniform random variable. To clarify, $p$ and $u_2$ are generated independently for every $Y_i$, and $u_1$ is fixed. I thought this might generate the required dependence structure, but am getting a similar scatter plot to the above.
My specific questions are:
- Is my Vine specification correct for the desired dependence structure?
- What's wrong w/ my second simulation approach? My thought is that because $Y_i$ is generated independently, they should be independent, but the scatter plot shows otherwise.