1) Regarding total employees and annual sales
features, as both are quantitative you may just use euclidean distance for them. Only don't forget to z-standardize both variables first, as soon as they are of different measure units. Upon the standardizing you indeed may try K-means clustering. This method of cluster analysis is implicitly based on euclidean distances between the objects (the companies); you don't have to compute the pairwise distances, especially as you have million of companies!
2) You think you can't decide on the number of clusters beforehand, but you could always do it afterwards. Do properly K-means a number of times, specifying different number of clusters each time, say, from 20 to 2, and save the results (cluster membership variable) each time. Then compare the quality of these 19 solutions by some internal clustering criteria (I'd recommend Calinski–Harabasz or Davies–Bouldin, both based on ANOVA ideology). I'm not R user and cannot recommend a tested package, but use something like NBClust. There are also other ways to determine the "right" number of clusters with K-means, for example "cross-validation" by subsamples. Carefully read something on this topic before you apply.
3) Regarding nominal variables such as marketing, software
- One way is to recode the variables into series of dummy (1 vs 0)
variables and perform still K-means clustering on those as if it were
quantitative variables. This approach is not valid geometrically and
logically, but heuristically it can be used, and indeed is being used
by many. The proper way with dummies would be to compute Dice
similarity measure (other similarity measures for binary features are
permissible, too) and do clustering by some appropriate method (not
K-means); however the problem in your case is that you have too many
objects. It is impossible to create at once such a huge similarity
- In SPSS, there is two-step clustering procedure which can
cluster huge number of objects and also allows nominal variables as
well as quantitative. I believe that method to be a good choice for
you. The method is just slightly modified BIRCH clustering method. I
don't know if "two-step clustering" is implemented in R, but BIRCH
should be implemented, I believe. I don't know if BIRCH can take
nominal variables.