I am working with the Boston data set in R.
I have read that random forest should be able to deal with untransformed data. In my example I do a log transformation of the dependent variable. My variance explained goes from 54% to 94%.
Here is what the original dependent variable looks like.
I run a random forest model without any transformation to the data set. Our dependent variable is crim.
randomForest(crim ~., Boston)
#variance explained is 54%
Once I do a log transformation of crim(to make the distro more normal) the variance explained jumps to 95%!!
randomForest(log(crim) ~., Boston)
#variance explained is 95%
Since this is a monotonic transfromation. I did not think it would have an impact on a tree based model. Can someone provide some intuition on why this might be the case? Thank you