I am trying to understand proper notation for functions related to state transition models (e.g., a HMM). There are two indexing variables $t$ (time step) and $i$ (state). Such that it matters, in my scenario, the variable we are conditioning on may be taken to be a realized (observed) instance of a random variable: $P(X=x|Y=y)$, not $P(X=x|Y)$. Below is an example, an entropy function over the transition model, but the equation could be anything including a sum over states and probability conditioned on previously observed states or similar:
$$H_t = -\sum P(x_{t}|x_{t-1})log_{2}P(x_{t}|x_{t-1})$$
I would call this correct but incomplete/informal, right? Importantly, it lacks the index variable for summation. I get a little confused when I attempt to add this in. Should it look like this:
$$H_t = -\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(x_{t,i}|x_{t-1})log_{2}P(x_{t,i}|x_{t-1})$$
This feels off to me in that both $x_{t}$ and $x_{t-1}$ have $n$ states. The index $i$ affixed to $x_{t}$ (i.e., $x_{t,i}$) provides a specificity greater than that for $x_{t-1}$, which lacks a state value designation. Given that $x_{t-1}$ is a realized (random) variable and $x_{t}$ is an (unrealized) random variable, shouldn't there be some notation to indicate the value of $i$ is realized (even more specific) with respect to $x_{t-1}$? If so, how? Surely not $x_{t-1,1}$ or $x_{t-1,j}$. Perhaps this is where the $X=x$ grammar is useful but, that seems only to displace the problem, ex.:
$$H_t = -\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(X_{t}=x_{i}|X_{t-1}=x)log_{2}P(X_{t}=x_{i}|X_{t-1}=x)$$
Clearly there is something I am missing. Please send thoughts. Math notation is not my strength, where I have seemingly or obviously stated something incorrectly or oddly, please let me know in the comments and I will respond and make edits.
FYI, here is somewhat related to this question.