I hope my question is not a dupplicate, I've searched on many forums and did not find the answer I'm looking for...
I'm currently studying Data Analysis, and I'm working on a project with time series.
But I'm struggling with the SARIMA Model, and how to set it up.
Here comes the questions : -Is a Dickey-Fuller test enough to know if a process is stationary ? -I was able to find the p, P, q, Q parameters with the autocorrelations functions, but I have no idea on how to find the d parameter ?
And finally, when I plot the autocorrelation function I get that :
Autocorrelation function : Partial autocorrelation function : Here is the Dickey-Fuller test result on my data :
ADF Statistic: -3.793415 p-value: 0.002975 Critical Values: 1%: -3.661 5%: -2.961 10%: -2.619
I'm guessing there's something wrong, but I did not find what... Any help will be more that appreciated !