I am writing code to prepare for running a logistic regression on real data. I have sample data for all my IVs but not for the outcome variable. There are many strong dependencies among the IVs but I have a lot of data points.
I created fake outcome data that is dependent only on a single IV main effect. The regression without interactions came out as I expected, only the single IV was significant, and the p-value was extremely low. However, when I update the formula to include all two-way interactions, the result is crazy. A large number of main effects and interactions are significant, some with fairly low p-values.
Why is this happening? And is there anything I can do about it?
Would appreciate any insight you have! Thanks!
Update 2: I have found that performing backward stepwise regression using BIC gets me down to the only factor that I made significant, so I hope that if I use that method with real data it will work out. I am still looking for some insight into what is happening here.
model2 <- step(model2.start,
direction = "backward",
k = log(nrow(model1.data)))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.83138 0.02277 -36.515 <2e-16 ***
genderM 0.29235 0.03511 8.326 <2e-16 ***
Update: Added code and results for Peter Flom.
Formula with no interactions:
model1.start <- glm(formula = model1.formula,
data = model1.data,
family = binomial(link=logit))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.9597428 0.1336164 -7.183 6.83e-13 ***
userChangeCount 0.0069607 0.0257332 0.270 0.787
genderM 0.2975069 0.0356766 8.339 < 2e-16 ***
birth_year -0.0009198 0.0019762 -0.465 0.642
statusG 0.0559423 0.0748278 0.748 0.455
statusN -0.0646233 0.1669781 -0.387 0.699
statusS 0.0187706 0.0662441 0.283 0.777
statusU -0.0257740 0.0832096 -0.310 0.757
collegeA 0.0129889 0.0679490 0.191 0.848
collegeB -0.0040121 0.0788700 -0.051 0.959
collegeC -0.1461340 0.0899802 -1.624 0.104
collegeD 0.0331471 0.0863881 0.384 0.701
collegeE 0.0453438 0.0756112 0.600 0.549
collegeF 0.0848041 0.0697141 1.216 0.224
collegeG 0.0901069 0.0849070 1.061 0.289
Using update.formula to add in interactions:
model2.formula <- update.formula(model1.formula, ~ .^2)
model2.start <- glm(formula = model2.formula,
data = model1.data,
family = binomial(link=logit))
Coefficients: (8 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.2344367 0.5212149 -4.287 1.81e-05 ***
userChangeCount 0.0212035 0.2069908 0.102 0.918410
genderM 0.7479265 0.2957677 2.529 0.011447 *
birth_year -0.0412143 0.0168060 -2.452 0.014192 *
statusG 2.6235509 0.8689383 3.019 0.002534 **
statusN 0.9568523 0.5929653 1.614 0.106598
statusS 0.2330824 0.5272580 0.442 0.658442
statusU 1.1998468 0.6039849 1.987 0.046972 *
collegeA -1.4456800 0.8844914 -1.634 0.102159
collegeB 0.3037282 0.3369018 0.902 0.367305
collegeC -0.5860054 0.7721724 -0.759 0.447909
collegeD -0.4193368 0.3765112 -1.114 0.265389
collegeE -0.0973697 0.3518518 -0.277 0.781984
collegeF 0.5329413 0.2795513 1.906 0.056596 .
collegeG 1.2383888 0.3673590 3.371 0.000749 ***
userChangeCount:genderM -0.0743210 0.0550317 -1.351 0.176852
userChangeCount:birth_year -0.0009157 0.0031425 -0.291 0.770763
userChangeCount:statusG 0.2469431 0.1298367 1.902 0.057177 .
userChangeCount:statusN -0.5741316 0.3610974 -1.590 0.111843
userChangeCount:statusS 0.1604922 0.1174547 1.366 0.171808
userChangeCount:statusU 0.2652325 0.1428424 1.857 0.063337 .
userChangeCount:collegeA 0.0428316 0.1007660 0.425 0.670793
userChangeCount:collegeB 0.0720982 0.1183963 0.609 0.542553
userChangeCount:collegeC 0.1104534 0.1214471 0.909 0.363098
userChangeCount:collegeD -0.1389037 0.1487849 -0.934 0.350517
userChangeCount:collegeE 0.1559318 0.1078295 1.446 0.148150
userChangeCount:collegeF 0.0575791 0.1017219 0.566 0.571364
userChangeCount:collegeG 0.0324145 0.1400930 0.231 0.817021
genderM:birth_year 0.0080877 0.0042729 1.893 0.058388 .
genderM:statusG -0.1330119 0.1663472 -0.800 0.423940
genderM:statusN -0.1387854 0.3548589 -0.391 0.695723
genderM:statusS 0.1615500 0.1472553 1.097 0.272609
genderM:statusU -0.1702773 0.1870952 -0.910 0.362764
genderM:collegeA 0.0496312 0.1399796 0.355 0.722919
genderM:collegeB -0.0238660 0.1620387 -0.147 0.882907
genderM:collegeC 0.2330523 0.1905078 1.223 0.221208
genderM:collegeD -0.0220152 0.1874495 -0.117 0.906507
genderM:collegeE -0.2661413 0.1569381 -1.696 0.089917 .
genderM:collegeF -0.0251615 0.1491900 -0.169 0.866068
genderM:collegeG 0.1045658 0.1781036 0.587 0.557132
birth_year:statusG 0.0007200 0.0080201 0.090 0.928468
birth_year:statusN 0.0723133 0.0308732 2.342 0.019167 *
birth_year:statusS 0.0046791 0.0055686 0.840 0.400759
birth_year:statusU -0.0151671 0.0187630 -0.808 0.418889
birth_year:collegeA 0.0068271 0.0087997 0.776 0.437845
birth_year:collegeB 0.0203172 0.0095400 2.130 0.033197 *
birth_year:collegeC 0.0168092 0.0105057 1.600 0.109596
birth_year:collegeD -0.0093096 0.0106617 -0.873 0.382563
birth_year:collegeE -0.0060650 0.0076375 -0.794 0.427128
birth_year:collegeF 0.0144749 0.0073667 1.965 0.049424 *
birth_year:collegeG 0.0409526 0.0109024 3.756 0.000172 ***
statusG:collegeA -0.0161367 0.3181531 -0.051 0.959549
statusN:collegeA NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeA 0.4597889 0.2774546 1.657 0.097486 .
statusU:collegeA -0.2270056 0.3392752 -0.669 0.503438
statusG:collegeB -0.4238954 0.3538770 -1.198 0.230971
statusN:collegeB NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeB 0.4453308 0.3020272 1.474 0.140354
statusU:collegeB -0.4386064 0.3661169 -1.198 0.230919
statusG:collegeC -1.0156894 0.3707719 -2.739 0.006155 **
statusN:collegeC NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeC -0.7283356 0.3466765 -2.101 0.035649 *
statusU:collegeC NA NA NA NA
statusG:collegeD 0.4933988 0.3977650 1.240 0.214817
statusN:collegeD NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeD 0.1421565 0.3152644 0.451 0.652053
statusU:collegeD 0.5731627 0.4181356 1.371 0.170450
statusG:collegeE 0.2283331 0.3918929 0.583 0.560135
statusN:collegeE NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeE 0.3603496 0.3223417 1.118 0.263605
statusU:collegeE 0.3225674 0.4006952 0.805 0.420808
statusG:collegeF -0.3994595 0.2919074 -1.368 0.171172
statusN:collegeF NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeF 0.1203146 0.2477903 0.486 0.627286
statusU:collegeF -0.7253529 0.3232596 -2.244 0.024841 *
statusG:collegeG -1.3172171 0.3663165 -3.596 0.000323 ***
statusN:collegeG NA NA NA NA
statusS:collegeG -0.1037409 0.3286267 -0.316 0.752245
statusU:collegeG -1.3636992 0.4203883 -3.244 0.001179 **
As you can see, now there are many significant effects, including main effects. To generate the fake data, I generated the outcome randomly and then went back and set a random 10% of males to have a positive outcome.