I am working on a survival analysis where I am fitting different parametric models to survival data. Varying the models that I have fit to the data is straightforward, via Cholesky decompositions, but I'd like to generate probabilistic Kaplan-Meier curves using the "survival" and "std.err" parameters shown in the data below (I am working in R).
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = PF)
time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
0 221 0 1.000 0.0000 1.0000 1.000
1 149 52 0.764 0.0286 0.7104 0.823
2 50 24 0.587 0.0396 0.5147 0.670
3 33 3 0.541 0.0445 0.4608 0.636
4 26 1 0.522 0.0469 0.4377 0.623
5 16 4 0.428 0.0577 0.3288 0.558
6 9 3 0.336 0.0653 0.2300 0.492
7 8 1 0.299 0.0679 0.1917 0.467
8 6 2 0.224 0.0685 0.1233 0.408
9 2 2 0.140 0.0642 0.0571 0.344
10 2 0 0.140 0.0642 0.0571 0.344
11 2 0 0.140 0.0642 0.0571 0.344
One idea that I've had is to use the estimated survival probability and variance for each time point to sample from a normal distribution for each time point. There is an obvious problem with this – I could end up sampling a higher survival probability for time 3 than for the time before it, which is illogical.
If I enforce crude "rules" (i.e. force the next sampled $S(t)$ to be equal to or less than the previous $S(t)$ estimate) I will end up systematically underestimating $S(t)$.
I feel as though I am barking up the wrong tree and I'm pretty stumped. Has anyone come across a solution for this before? I'd be grateful for any insights.