I am analysing an experiment where groups received either medication or placebo treatment. I want to find out whether the different treatment types have an impact on test scores over time (compared to placebo) and whether the participant's sex also has an influence. Scores are measured 6 times over several days.
So I have 6 groups defined by sex and treatment (with t being the verum treatment, p being placebo):
- female, p
- female, t1
- female, t2
- male, p
- male, t1
- male, t2
How would I go for the mixed model? I was thinking of: score ~ session * sex * treatment. However, when used with lme, I have no idea what is being used as the reference as several groups (in my case all females and t1) disappear from the output. Is it possible to create a new factor and use that in the model? The factor would be derived from sex and treatment. E. g. score ~ fac * session
- female_p
- female_t1
- female_t2
- male_p
- male_t1
- male_t2
Does that still count as an interaction that tells me whether sex in relation to treatment has an impact over time? What alternatives are there?