I'm creating my LMM including three factors (A,B,C) as fixed effect, and D as the random intercept. At the same time, I also want to include a covariate (E) to test whether the covariate influence the dependent variables or not. I tried two models (see here below), I don't know which one is correct? or none of them?
model1 <- lmer(RT ~ A * B * C + E + (1|Subject))
model2 <- lmer(RT ~ A * B * C * E + (1|Subject))
In the output Table for model1, there is one row regarding the covariate E, but no information is related to the interaction between dependent variables (A,B,C) and E.
In the output Table for model2, there are several rows showing whether the interaction between the E and other dependent variables (A,B,C) is significant or not. But I'm not sure this is a correct way to test, as it seems more like that the covariate E is regarded as the dependent variable as well.