Consistency depends on how you let the $x_i$ increase in number.
If you have the following model (which is in fact a linear model):
$y_i \sim N(\mu = \theta \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_i}}, \sigma^2 = 1/x_i^2)$
$x_i \sim \text{Uniform}(0,1)$
then the variance of the estimate $\hat{\theta}$ will increase when the number of samples increases.
See the simulation below:
# function to make an estimate
samplepar <- function(n) {
a <- 2
x <- runif(n)
y <- a/sqrt(x)+rnorm(n,0,0.01*a/x)
mod <- nls(y ~ a/sqrt(x), start = list(a=2))
out1 <- coefficients(mod)
mod <- nls(y ~ a/sqrt(x), start = list(a=2), weights = x^2)
out2 <- coefficients(mod)
# some settings
n <- 10000
# perform multiple times an estimate for samples of size 5 and size 1000
small <- replicate(n,samplepar(5))
large <- replicate(n,samplepar(1000))
# compute histograms and plotting
d <- 0.01
h1 <- hist(small[1,],
breaks = seq(min(small[1,]-d),
plot = FALSE)
h2 <- hist(large[1,],
breaks = seq(min(large[1,]-d),
plot = FALSE)
plot(h1$mids,h1$counts/n/d, xlim = c(1.5,2.5),log="y",ylim=c(0.1,100),
xlab = "estimate", ylab = "density",yaxt="n")
points(h2$mids,h2$counts/n/d, xlim = c(1.5,2.5),col=2)
legend(1.5,100,c("5 data points","1k data points"),col=c(1,2),pch=1, cex = 0.7)
title("distribution of parameter estimates \n non-weighted least squares", cex.main=1)
d <- 0.001
h1 <- hist(small[2,],
breaks = seq(min(small[2,]-d),
plot = FALSE)
d2 <- 0.0001
h2 <- hist(large[2,],
breaks = seq(min(large[2,]-d2),
plot = FALSE)
plot(h1$mids,h1$counts/n/d, xlim = c(1.95,2.05),log="y",ylim=c(1,1000),
xlab = "estimate", ylab = "density",yaxt="n")
points(h2$mids,h2$counts/n/d2, xlim = c(1.5,2.5),col=2)
legend(1.95,1000,c("5 data points","1k data points"),col=c(1,2),pch=1, cex = 0.7)
title("distribution of parameter estimates \n weighted least squares", cex.main=1)
So the estimate is not stable (because the higher number of points will increase the probability to encounter high variance points when $x_i \approx 0$).
But if you would let the sample size increase while keeping the $x_i$ fixed (e.g. an increase of the number of samples with the same $x_i$ and variance) then the estimate should be consistent.
Intuitive explanation: effectively you could replace the duplicate samples for a single sample but with smaller variance. Minimizing the least squares for repeated samples is the same as minimizing the least squares for the means of those repeated samples.