In a lot of material I found online, training and validation seems to be an iterative process
For example, the regularized regression problem
$E = \|Xw - t\|_2^2 + \lambda \|w\|^2_2$
$X$ is data matrix, $w$ is weights of linear predictors, $t$ is targets.
Their algorithm seems to be,
First, we find $w^\star$ by minimizing $E$ for some $\lambda$,
Next, use $w^\star$ to find the error on validation set
Then solve $w^\star$ again by minimizing $E$ for some different $\lambda$,
Next, use $w^\star$ to find the error on validation set
Pick the best performing $w^\star$ on the validation set.
What I have in the my code is to compute several weights $w^\star_k$ at the same time, and pick the best one based on validation set.
I want to perform training and validation in one shot
- Find $w^\star_1, \ldots, w_N^\star$ ($N$ different predictors) by minimizing $E$ on training set for some $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_N$ ($N$ different regularization constants),
- Run all of $w^\star_1, \ldots, w_N^\star$ on validation set.
- Pick best $w^\star_k$, $k \in \{1, \ldots, N\}$
Is this a proper way of choosing my hyperparameter?
Sorry if this seems to be a basic question. First time doing "validation"/hyperparam tuning.