In MCMC you calculate a value $\alpha$, which tells you the probability of you accepting or rejecting the current sample.
If you end up rejecting the current sample, you then set $x_{n+1} = x_n$. So a chain could go $0.1,0.11,0.105,0.105,0.105,0.105,0.12,0.11,0.115,0.115$.
In the event of rejecting the current sample, what is the difference between adding the current value $x_n$ again to the chain (as it says to do in the algorithm), and rejecting it in the sense that you don't add anything to the chain (so you don't get repeated consecutive repeated values in the posterior), but do reuse that same value when next sampling.
So instead, the above chain would be $0.1,0.11,0.105,0.12,0.11,0.115$.
Sorry if that was a bit confusing. (Essentially what are the implications of doing what is says in the algorithm vs repeatedly sampling until a point is accepted)? Or is the latter just nonsensical and not producing anything of importance?