In the video by Prof Brunskill "Stanford CS234 winter 2019 lecture 4" for model-free control (, at 57:49/1:17:45, the pseudo code for SARSA includes line 8 for e-greedy update of the current policy pi. It seems the results of this code include the optimal policy pi as well as Q(s,a). The code for Q-learning at 1:10:53/1:17:45 is the same.
On the other hand, in the book by Sutton and Barto ( in the SARSA algorithm (Figure 6.9 on page 155) the policy is not updated in the iteration. The result of this code seems to be just Q(s,a). The code for Q-learning (Figure 6.12 on page 158) is the same.
In the latter case, how do I get the optimal policy? Do I run another round of greedy learning based on Q(s,a) to get the optimal policy? Or can I treat Q(s,a) as a 2-d table and choose action a that maximizes Q(s,a) for each s? Is such a policy the same as that found by the algorithm by Prof Brunskill?