@Anderson Arroyo
A model like this is possible to estimate but, to my understanding, is not implemented in R/on CRAN as a package currently.
For instance, you could implement a model similar to the one you are interested in here using Stata and the SSC module domme
(see Luchman, Xue, and Kaplan, 2020 for a discussion of the approach as well as this github page).
Below there is an example from an ARMA model with a first order moving average, first order autoregression and an exogenous variable. The approach is a dominance analysis adapted to focus on parameter estimation as opposed to independent variables and estimates a McFadden's pseudo-R^2.
. webuse friedman2, clear
. arima consump m2 if tin(, 1981q4), ar(1) ma(1)
(setting optimization to BHHH)
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -344.67575
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -341.57248
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -340.67391
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -340.57229
Iteration 4: log likelihood = -340.5608
(switching optimization to BFGS)
Iteration 5: log likelihood = -340.5515
Iteration 6: log likelihood = -340.51272
Iteration 7: log likelihood = -340.50949
Iteration 8: log likelihood = -340.5079
Iteration 9: log likelihood = -340.50775
Iteration 10: log likelihood = -340.50774
ARIMA regression
Sample: 1959q1 - 1981q4 Number of obs = 92
Wald chi2(3) = 4394.80
Log likelihood = -340.5077 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
consump | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
consump |
m2 | 1.122029 .0363563 30.86 0.000 1.050772 1.193286
_cons | -36.09872 56.56703 -0.64 0.523 -146.9681 74.77062
ar |
L1. | .9348486 .0411323 22.73 0.000 .8542308 1.015467
ma |
L1. | .3090592 .0885883 3.49 0.000 .1354293 .4826891
/sigma | 9.655308 .5635157 17.13 0.000 8.550837 10.75978
Note: The test of the variance against zero is one sided, and the two-sided
confidence interval is truncated at zero.
. matrix list e(b)
consump: consump: ARMA: ARMA: sigma:
L. L.
m2 _cons ar ma _cons
y1 1.1220286 -36.098721 .93484865 .30905921 9.6553076
. domme (consump = m2) (ARMA = L.ar L.ma) if tin(, 1981q4), reg(arima consump m2) ropt(ar(1) ma(1)) fitstat(e(),
> mcf)
Total of 7 models/regressions
General dominance statistics: ARIMA regression
Number of obs = 92
Overall Fit Statistic = 0.5125
| Dominance Standardized Ranking
| Stat. Domin. Stat.
consump |
m2 | 0.2181 0.4256 2
L.ar | 0.2449 0.4778 1
L.ma | 0.0495 0.0965 3
Conditional dominance statistics
#param_ests: #param_ests: #param_ests:
1 2 3
consump:m2 0.3482 0.2265 0.0797
ARMA:L.ar 0.3905 0.2533 0.0910
ARMA:L.ma 0.0856 0.0578 0.0050
Complete dominance designation
dominated?: dominated?: dominated?:
m2 L_ar L_ma
dominates?:m2 0 -1 1
dominates?:L_ar 1 0 1
dominates?:L_ma -1 -1 0
Strongest dominance designations
ARMA:L.ar completely dominates consump:m2
consump:m2 completely dominates ARMA:L.ma
ARMA:L.ar completely dominates ARMA:L.ma
I have been working on a port of this module to R but it is not yet ready to accommodate an AR(I)MA model. Hope to add such capabilities in the future and, eventually, release on CRAN.