I think much of the confusion here arises from lack of clarity about definitions, so it is helpful to step back and define terms fully rigorously. I will then give a somewhat more general discussion than what you originally asked for in the hopes that this extra discussion gives you further opportunity to clarify and internalize the relevant definitions. First, we say that a sequence of random variables $A_n$ is $o_p(r_n)$ (also written $A_n = o_p(r_n)$) for some positive sequence $r_n$ if it is the case that for any $\varepsilon, \delta > 0$, there exists $N\in\mathbb N$ such that for all $n \geq N$,
$$\mathbb P\left(\left|\frac{A_n}{r_n}\right| \geq \delta\right) < \varepsilon$$
On the other hand, we say that this sequence of random variables is $O_p(r_n)$ (also written $A_n = O_p(r_n)$) if for any $\varepsilon > 0$, there exist $M > 0$ and $N \in \mathbb N$ such that for all $n \geq N$,
$$\mathbb P\left(\left|\frac{A_n}{r_n}\right| \geq M\right) < \varepsilon$$
In the above, we will typically refer to $r_n$ as a "rate" of convergence. Note just how similar the above definitions are. The subtle distinction is that in the definition of $o_p(r_n)$, we cannot choose $\varepsilon$ or $\delta$. Both can be arbitrary and we must fine $N$ to make the probability statement. Meanwhile, in the definition of $O_p(r_n)$, only $\varepsilon$ cannot be chosen, and $M$ can be chosen arbitrarily to make the probability statement work. This gives an immediate result
Proposition 1: $A_n = o_p(r_n) \implies A_n = O_p(r_n)$
Proof: Just take $M = \delta$ for any $\delta > 0$ in the definition of $O_p$
This proof is just formalizing the "obvious" idea that the definition of $o_p$ is more demanding than the definition of $O_p$. We can say a few more things that are relevant to your original question
Proposition 2: If $r_n > r_n'$, then (a) $A_n = o_p(r_n') \implies A_n = o_p(r_n)$, (b) $A_n = O_p(r_n') \implies A_n = O_p(r_n)$. If furthermore, $r_n/r_n' \to \infty$, then (c) $A_n = O_p(r_n') \implies A_n = o_p(r_n)$.
Proof: Note that $\left|\frac{A_n}{r_n}\right| < \left|\frac{A_n}{r_n'}\right|$, so $\mathbb P\left(\left|\frac{A_n}{r_n}\right| \geq \delta\right) \leq \mathbb P\left(\left|\frac{A_n}{r_n'}\right| \geq \delta\right)$ (this is because the probability of a subset of some event $E$ is no larger than the probability of $E$ itself). Thus, any choice of $N,M$ that works in the definitions of $O_p(r_n')$ and $o_p(r_n')$ work in the definition of $O_p(r_n)$ and $o_p(r_n)$ as well, proving (a) and (b). To prove (c), fix $\varepsilon,\delta > 0$. Then since $A_n = O_p(r_n')$, we have that for some $M > 0$, $\mathbb P(|A_n/r_n'| \geq M) \leq \varepsilon$ let $N$ be so large that for all $n \geq N$, we have $r_n/r_n' \geq M/\delta$. Then
$$\mathbb P(|A_n / r_n| \geq \delta) = \mathbb P(|A_n / r_n'| \geq r_n/r_n'\delta) \leq \mathbb P(|A_n/r_n'| \geq M) > \varepsilon$$
which is the desired result.
Finally, we relate convergence in distribution to $O_p$.
Proposition 3: Suppose some sequence of random variables $\frac{X_n}{r_n}$ convergences in distribution $X$ where the distribution of $X$ satisfies $\mathbb P(X \geq x) \to 0$ as $x \to \infty$. Then $X_n = O_p(1/r_n)$
Proof: Fix $\varepsilon > 0$. By the assumption, we can choose $M$ such that $\mathbb P(|X| > M) \leq \varepsilon / 2$. By the definition of convergence in distribution, we have that there exists $N$ such that for $n \geq N$, $\mathbb |P(|X_n/r_n| \geq M) - \mathbb P(|X| \geq M)| \leq \varepsilon / 2$. But putting these two inequalities together gives $\mathbb P(|X_n / r_n| \geq M) \leq \varepsilon$, which is what we set out to prove.
So specializing this discussion to the CLT, we can take $r_n = 1/\sqrt n$. Proposition 3 tells us that $\hat X_n - \bar x = O_p(1/\sqrt n)$. Meanwhile, proposition 2(c) then further tells that
$$\hat X_n - \bar x = O_p(1/\sqrt n) \implies \hat X_n - \bar x = o_p(1)$$
In fact, we can say slightly more by Proposition 2(c) and Proposition 1 that
$$\hat X_n - \bar x = O_p(n^\alpha),\quad \forall 0\leq \alpha \leq \frac12$$
$$\hat X_n - \bar x = o_p(n^\alpha),\quad \forall 0\leq \alpha < \frac12$$
P.S. I typed through all of that quite quickly and need to leave my computer for a bit, so if you see something that does not make sense (like an inequality sign that goes the wrong way), there's a good chance that it is a typo. Let me know if something is still confusing and I can revise my answer later.