Setting and Notation
Let's assume we have a population with (for example) two sub-population. Say, males and females. In the population they are split 50%-50%. We care about the population level parameter $\mu$. Furthermore, the male and female sub-population have their own $\mu_m$ and $\mu_f$, were: $\mu = \frac{1}{2}\mu_m + \frac{1}{2}\mu_f$.
We have a panel of $n$ people, out of which (let's say) 90% are males and 10% are female (i.e.: $n_m = 0.9*n$ and $n_f = 0.1*n$). For each person $i$ in the panel we measure $y_i$. If the panel was fully i.i.d then $E[y_i] = \mu$. However, since we have a bias panel (for example, from non-response bias), then $E[y_i] \neq \mu$. However, even for the biased sample, we know that for all $i$ that are males $E[y_i] = \mu_m$ (and similarly for $i$ that are female $E[y_i] = \mu_f$).
We now have two potential options for estimating $\mu$:
- $\bar y$: which will be a biased estimator of $\mu$ (let's say $E[\bar y] = \mu + B$ (B for bias))
- $\bar y^* = \bar y_m * 0.5 + \bar y_f * 0.5$: which will be an un-biased estimator of $\mu$, but will have much larger variance.
How can we tell which of the two estimators are better to use, $\bar y^*$ or $\bar y$, given that we don't know the real values of $\mu$, $\mu_m$, or $\mu_f$?
There is obviously a bias-variance trade-off. Can we estimate it somehow?
Are there common practices/references for methods to check these?
Potential ideas I had
We can decide to use the estimator that will have the minimal MSE. Of course we do not know what it is for each estimator, so we can decide to estimate it.
For example by saying that:
- $MSE(\bar y) = var(\bar y) + bias^2(\bar y) = var(\bar y) + (\mu + B)^2$
- $MSE(\bar y^*) = var(\bar y^*) + bias^2(\bar y^*)$
We assume that $bias^2(\bar y^*) = 0$, hence: $E[\bar y^*] = 0$. Therefore, if we look at: $\hat B = \bar y - \bar y^*$, we notice that: $E[\bar y - \bar y^*] = E[\bar y] - E[\bar y^*] = \mu + B - \mu = B$. So $\hat B$ is a consistent estimator (via method of moments) for $B$. Hence, $\hat B^2$ will also be a consistent (although probably biased) estimator for $B^2$
With this in mind, we can invoke CLT and the delta method, and build an asymptotic distribution for estimating $D = MSE(\bar y) - MSE(\bar y^*)$: $\hat D = var(\bar y) + (\bar y - \bar y^*)^2 - var(\bar y^*)$. The variance: $Var \left[ var(\bar y) + (\bar y - \bar y^*)^2 - var(\bar y^*) \right]$, will probably need to be estimated via bootstrap. And since $\hat D$ will asymptotically have normal distribution, we can perform an hypothesis test to check if it's larger then 0 ($H_1$) or not ($H_0$). This would give us input if to use $\bar y$ or $\bar y^*$.
Would love to have more ideas / references from others here. Thanks upfront!