We are taught to split our data set into three parts but that doesn't align with what I learned in data analysis: power analysis. Do we really need thirty percent or twenty percent of data for the testing and validation? According to the power analysis, the sample size would be much fewer. I learned that 601(with 95% confidence level and margin of error smaller than 0.04) for the binary classification and 510(with alpha as 0.05 and confidence interval 95%) for the multi-class classification would be sufficient.
We only consider classification tasks since numerical data would be more complicated and most of our problems are classification problems.
Can we randomly choose minimum cases from the whole data set calculated by the minimum sample size in power analysis for both the validation set and test set in machine learning(for instance in NLP tasks) and use all other data as the training data set? I know more data would lead to a higher power, but if we are not that demanding would a minimum sample size practical?