From Wikipedia:
If $X_{1},\dots, X_{n}$ are independent and have a Poisson distribution with parameter $\lambda$, then the sum $T(X) = X_{1} + ... + X_{n}$ is a sufficient statistic for $\lambda$.
Why the sufficient statistics for $\lambda$ is not $\frac{1}{n}\sum{X_{i}}$ instead?
I struggle to understand how the sum of the observations can say anything about the mean ($\lambda$) of the distribution that generated the observations. The vectors of observations 3 6 2 2
and 3 6 2 2 0 2 2 0 7 2
have different sums but they are generated from the same distribution with $\lambda = 3$.
I suspect my question is a duplicate of Sufficient statistic for Poisson in wiki? by I'm afraid I still don't get it.