I am working with some choice modeling data and am interested in trying to potentially use the delta method with the multinomial logit model that I'm analyzing the data with. Here's an example:
First, I uploaded some data in R:
# First upload and format the data
cbc.df <- read.csv("http://goo.gl/5xQObB",
colClasses = c(seat = "factor", price = "factor",
cbc.df$eng <- factor(cbc.df$eng, levels=c("gas", "hyb", "elec"))
cbc.df$carpool <- factor(cbc.df$carpool, levels=c("yes", "no"))
Format data for mlogit package depending on version:
if (packageVersion("mlogit") < "1.1") {
# for mlogit up through 1.0.3
cbc.mlogit <- mlogit.data(data=cbc.df, choice="choice", shape="long",
varying=3:6, alt.levels=paste("pos", 1:3),
} else {
# for mlogit starting with version 1.1
library(dfidx) # install if needed
# add a column with unique question numbers, as needed in mlogit 1.1+
cbc.df$chid <- rep(1:(nrow(cbc.df)/3), each=3)
# shape the data for mlogit
cbc.mlogit <- dfidx(cbc.df, choice="choice",
idx=list(c("chid", "resp.id"), "alt" ))
I think fit a basic multinomial logit model:
# fit the models
m1 <- mlogit(choice ~ 0 + seat + cargo + eng + price, data = cbc.mlogit)
Next, I want to predict the probability of making a choice given different combinations of the predictors. I found this function to do that:
# Predicting shares
predict.mnl <- function(model, data) {
# Function for predicting shares from a multinomial logit model
# model: mlogit object returned by mlogit()
# data: a data frame containing the set of designs for which you want to
# predict shares. Same format at the data used to estimate model.
data.model <- model.matrix(update(model$formula, 0 ~ .), data = data)[ , -1]
utility <- data.model%*%model$coef
share <- exp(utility)/sum(exp(utility))
cbind(share, data)
So then I generated some combinations of predictors to generate predictions for:
> # and set up attributes needed later
> attrib <- list(seat = c("6", "7", "8"),
+ cargo = c("2ft", "3ft"),
+ eng = c("gas", "hyb", "elec"),
+ price = c("30", "35", "40"))
> (new.data <- expand.grid(attrib)[c(8, 1, 3, 41, 49, 26), ]) # find attrib at top
seat cargo eng price
8 7 2ft hyb 30
1 6 2ft gas 30
3 8 2ft gas 30
41 7 3ft gas 40
49 6 2ft elec 40
26 7 2ft hyb 35
And finally, get the predictions for these combinations:
> predict.mnl(m1, new.data)
share seat cargo eng price
8 0.11273356 7 2ft hyb 30
1 0.43336911 6 2ft gas 30
3 0.31917819 8 2ft gas 30
41 0.07281396 7 3ft gas 40
49 0.01669280 6 2ft elec 40
26 0.04521237 7 2ft hyb 35
This share variable is great, but what I'm really wanting is something like a 95% CI for it and I've heard that the delta method could potentially help. I just think that knowing that the first combination has an 11% share is meaningless without knowing the variability in the estimate.
Can anyone help?