The variance of the $j$th element of the OLS estimator is given by
$$\operatorname{Var}\left(\hat{\beta}_{j}\right)=\sigma^{2}\left(X_{j}^{T} M_{-j} X_{j}\right)^{-1}$$
where $X_j$ is the column of regressors associated to the $j$ variable, and $M_{-j}$ is the maker of residuals (the projection off) of the space generated by all columns of the matrix $X$ besides the $j$th one.
Show that the variance of $\hat{\beta}$ can also be written as
$$\operatorname{Var}\left(\hat{\beta}_{j}\right)=\frac{\sigma^{2}}{(n-1) \operatorname{Var}\left(X_{j}\right)}\left(\frac{1}{1-R_{X_{j} \mid X_{-j}}^{2}}\right)$$