If anyone can explain this, or point me to the right sources to be reading, I would be very grateful. I have got a little lost in reading all the articles I find when I google the subject. My problem is:
- I have a multi-state model with transition intensities between a 3 state model: healthy, sick, dead. I call this the 'population model'.
- I have sample time-to-sick data (around 3000 records), which are left-truncated and right-censored. I call this the 'sample model'.
- I want to parameterise a multi-state model for the 'sample model'.
I can think of two approaches, but do not know which is best, or how to perform the analysis:
Idea 1: use a Bayesian approach with the 'population model' as the prior. (I am not sure what to use as the likelihood function).
Idea 2: a. test whether the sample data differs from the parameterised model at a significant level of 5%, and
b(i). if there isn't a difference, use the unadjusted 'population model' to model the 'sample model', or
b(ii). if there is a statistically significant difference, somehow scale or adapt the transition intensities to more accurately model the sample data.
Is there a recommended way to approach this; perhaps even a package in R?
Thank you in advance.