The library languageR provides a method (pvals.fnc) to do MCMC significance testing of the fixed effects in a mixed effect regression model fit using lmer. However, pvals.fnc gives an error when the lmer model includes random slopes.
Is there a way to do an MCMC hypothesis test of such models?
If so, how? (To be accepted an answer should have a worked example in R)
If not, is there a conceptual/computation reason why there is no way?
This question might be related to this one but I didn't understand the content there well enough to be certain.
Edit 1: A proof of concept showing that pvals.fnc() still does 'something' with lme4 models, but that it doesn't do anything with random slope models.
#the example from pvals.fnc
# remove extreme outliers
primingHeid = primingHeid[primingHeid$RT < 7.1,]
# fit mixed-effects model
primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeid)
mcmc = pvals.fnc(primingHeid.lmer, nsim=10000, withMCMC=TRUE)
#Subjects are in both conditions...
#So I can fit a model that has a random slope of condition by participant = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1+Condition|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeid)
#However pvals.fnc fails here... = pvals.fnc(
It says: Error in pvals.fnc( : MCMC sampling is not yet implemented in lme4_0.999375 for models with random correlation parameters
Additional question: Is pvals.fnc performing as expected for random intercept model? Should the outputs be trusted?