I have a contigency table and want to know whether the distributions differ between columns. For example, let's say I want to know whether the distribution of children with academic vs. non-academic parents differs between different schools. First, I have collected data at two schools and perform a contigency table Bayes Factor test that shows strong evidence for different distributions between these two schools.
ctable <- matrix(c(108, 72,
159, 21),
dimnames=list(school=LETTERS[1:2], parents=c("academic", "non-academic")))
contingencyTableBF(ctable, sampleType="indepMulti", fixedMargin="rows" )
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Non-indep. (a=1) : 33542933 ±0%
Against denominator:
Null, independence, a = 1
Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, independent multinomial
However, if I add further rows to the contigency table (so after continuing data collections at more schools), the evidence for different distributions between schools vanishes.
ctable_ext <- matrix(c(108, 72,
159, 21,
136, 44,
129, 51,
142, 38,
129, 51,
143, 37,
136, 44,
145, 35,
138, 42,
139, 41),
dimnames=list(school=LETTERS[1:11], parents=c("academic", "non-academic")))
contingencyTableBF(ctable_ext, sampleType="indepMulti", fixedMargin="rows" )
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Non-indep. (a=1) : 0.7131625 ±0%
Against denominator:
Null, independence, a = 1
Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, independent multinomial
I am surprised by this finding as I would have expected the Bayes Factor test to behave like an omnibus test (as it is the case with its frequentist counterpart, the chi-squared test). But then adding additional rows should not affect our conclusion, as the distribution between the first two schools still differs. Or am I missing something here? Can somebody explain why adding more data decreases the evidence?