Preliminaries. You might want to start by reviewing the standard definition of
the lognormal distribution and fundamental facts about its mean and variance, either in a textbook or on the
relevant Wikipedia page.
Three points are of particular importance for your question.
(1) If you take the natural log $(\log_e=\ln,$ not $\log_{10})$ of lognormal
data, then you get data from the corresponding normal distribution.
(2) If the mean and SD of the normal population are $\mu$ and $\sigma,$ respectively, then
the mean of the lognormal population will be $\exp(\mu+\sigma^2/2).$
(3) Because the relationship between
the mean and variance of normal and corresponding lognormal
distributions is not trivial, it is customary (but sometimes possibly confusing) to use
the normal parameters for the corresponding lognormal distribution.
Demo with huge lognormal sample in R for $\mu=5, \sigma=1,$ for which sample mean nearly matches population mean:
mean(rlnorm(10^7, 5, 1))
[1] 244.775
exp(5 + .5)
[1] 244.6919
Fictitious data for illustration. Consider fictitious normal data y
and corresponding
lognormal data x
as follows:
y = rnorm(52, 5, 1) # normal
x = exp(y) # lognormal
# Normal
summary(y); length(y); sd(y)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
2.744 4.023 4.990 4.962 5.902 7.120
[1] 52 # sample size
[1] 1.156031 # sample SD
[1] 0.177547 # not signif different from normal
# Lognormal
summary(x); length(x); sd(x)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
15.55 55.95 146.93 257.55 365.94 1236.45
[1] 52
[1] 278.6784
[1] 3.559653e-07 # normality strongly rejected
The normal sample y
(left panel) has a normal probability plot that is roughly linear, except possibly for a few points in the tails. The red reference line goes through the theoretical
and sample upper and lower quartiles. Lognormal sample y
(right panel) is clearly not normal.
R code for figure:
qqnorm(y, main="Normal QQ Plot: Normal")
qqline(y, col="red")
qqnorm(x, main="Normal QQ Plot: Lognormal")
qqline(x, col="red")
one-sample t test on normal data. You could do a one sample t test on the normal data y
as you suggest. Because these are fictitious data sampled
with mean $\mu_y = 5,$ the null hypothesis $H_0: \mu_y = 5$
is not rejected in favor of the alternative $H_a: \mu_y \ne 5.$
t.test(y, mu=5)
One Sample t-test
data: y
t = -0.2354, df = 51, p-value = 0.8148
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 5
95 percent confidence interval:
4.640422 5.284104
sample estimates:
mean of x # output uses symbol 'x'
sample estimates:
mean of x
However, $\mu_x = E(X) = 244.6919,$ the lognormal mean,
has natural log about $5.2,$ which is not $E(Y),$ so $H_0: \mu_y = 5.2$ is
strongly rejected in favor of $H_a: \mu_y \ne 5.2$
with P-value far below 5%.
t.test(y, mu=5.5)$p.val
[1] 0.001507389