I'm trying to put confidence intervals on parameters fitted through MLE through the inversion of the observed Fisher information matrix. More specifically, I define the observed FIM as:
$$ J_{n}(\hat{\theta{}_{n}}) = -\sum^{n}_{i=1}\frac{\partial{}^{2}}{\partial{}\hat{\theta{}_{n}^{2}}}\log{f_{\theta{}_{n}}(X_{i})} $$
Where $\log{f_{\theta{}}(X)}$ is the MLE term. I've seen in some sources that the confidence intervals for specific parameters can be estimated as (Equation 3.15 in source):
$$ \hat{\theta{}}_{nj} \pm{} c\sqrt{J_{n}(\hat{\theta_{n}})^{-1}_{jj}} $$
My confusion comes from accounting for the total number of data points. Sometimes it seems like these values are scaled by the number of data points, while others seem to cancel out (below equation 2 on page 2). A definitive answer and source would be really helpful.
So to put it in more explicit, applied terms (might be conflating jargon throughout, so bear with me), we have an objective function like:
$$ l_{\theta{}}=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(-\frac{1}{2}\ln(2\pi{})-\frac{1}{2}\ln{\sigma_{i}^{2}}-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\hat{y}_{i}(\theta{})-y_{i}}{\sigma_{i}}\right)^{2}\right) $$
where $\theta{}$ is the vector of parameters being fitted, $n$ are the total number of data points in the set, $\sigma{}$ is the standard deviation of the noise around the experimental data, $\hat{y}_{i}(\theta{})$ is the model predicted outlet and $y$ is the measured outlet.
My goal is to minimize a function like this and to then have a covariance matrix around the fitted parameters (which should easily be converted into individual confidence intervals). Once I've reached the minimum, I can calculate the Hessian as:
$$ H_{\theta{}} = \frac{\partial{}^{2}l_{\theta{}}}{\partial{}\theta{}^{2}} $$
I've seen the covariance calculated through $H_{\theta{}}$ in two different ways: through the observed FIM and the expected FIM. If I were to choose the observed FIM, would it just be:
$$ V_{\theta} = H_{\theta}^{-1} $$
where $V_{\theta}$ is the covariance matrix. Would I be missing a scaling factor of $n$?
Then if I were to use the expected FIM, would I simply use:
$$ V_{\theta} = (E({H_{\theta}}))^{-1} $$
where $E$ is meant to be the expectation.