After working on Backpropagation Neural Network and ARIMA Time Series Model, I asked myself which one is better, but can't figure out the answer. They both use different approaches on the same problem (future prediction). Please can someone help me stating the obvious.
typedef struct { /* A LAYER OF A NET: */
INT Units; /* - number of units in this layer */
REAL* Output; /* - output of ith unit */
REAL* Error; /* - error term of ith unit */
REAL** Weight; /* - connection weights to ith unit */
REAL** WeightSave; /* - saved weights for stopped training */
REAL** dWeight; /* - last weight deltas for momentum */
typedef struct { /* A NET: */
LAYER** Layer; /* - layers of this net */
LAYER* InputLayer; /* - input layer */
LAYER* OutputLayer; /* - output layer */
REAL Alpha; /* - momentum factor */
REAL Eta; /* - learning rate */
REAL Gain; /* - gain of sigmoid function */
REAL Error; /* - total net error */
} NET;
ts.plot(stockadj,stockfor$pred,ylab="Original+Predicted Values",main="Forecast")