What you describe is in fact a "sliding time window" approach and is different to recurrent networks. You can use this technique with any regression algorithm. There is a huge limitation to this approach: events in the inputs can only be correlatd with other inputs/outputs which lie at most t timesteps apart, where t is the size of the window.
E.g. you can think of a Markov chain of order t. RNNs don't suffer from this in theory, however in practice learning is difficult.
It is best to illustrate an RNN in contrast to a feedfoward network. Consider the (very) simple feedforward network $y = Wx$ where $y$ is the output, $W$ is the weight matrix, and $x$ is the input.
Now, we use a recurrent network. Now we have a sequence of inputs, so we will denote the inputs by $x^{i}$ for the ith input. The corresponding ith output is then calculated via $y^{i} = Wx^i + W_ry^{i-1}$.
Thus, we have another weight matrix $W_r$ which incorporates the output at the previous step linearly into the current output.
This is of course a simple architecture. Most common is an architecture where you have a hidden layer which is recurrently connected to itself. Let $h^i$ denote the hidden layer at timestep i. The formulas are then:
$$h^0 = 0$$
$$h^i = \sigma(W_1x^i + W_rh^{i-1})$$
$$y^i = W_2h^i$$
Where $\sigma$ is a suitable non-linearity/transfer function like the sigmoid. $W_1$ and $W_2$ are the connecting weights between the input and the hidden and the hidden and the output layer. $W_r$ represents the recurrent weights.
Here is a diagram of the structure: