I would like to analysze the relation between my continuous response 'soil moisture content [%]' and 2 categorical and 1 continuous predictors. I fit a linear mixed model and checked the distribution with the check_distribution() function of the performance package.
lmer(soil_moisture ~ weed_coverage+distance +
treatment + (1 | kettlehole/plot) +
(1|date), data = BFK_comp) -> lmmod
I got this result and plot
Predicted Distribution of Residuals
Distribution Probability
normal 88%
tweedie 9%
weibull 3%
Predicted Distribution of Response
Distribution Probability
beta-binomial 34%
tweedie 22%
gamma 16%
As I understand it, the predicted distribution of the residuals need to be normally distributed, so I can use a linear regression, right? I am not talking about the other assumptions here, just normality. After that I did a test with the check_normality() fuction, also from the performance package and it says
Warning: Non-normality of residuals detected
(p < .001).
These results seem to be contradictory to me or am I missing something here?
Also, I want to test if there is a significant difference between soil moisture content and distance (factor with 2 levels). Do I need to look at the distribution of the response or at the distribution of the residuals to find out if I need to use a t-test or wilcoxon signed rank test?
. If that variable is part of the larger model, assess the larger model for appropriateness. And then use the emmeans package to compare among the terms you are interested in. Model types supported by emmeans are listed here: cran.r-project.org/web/packages/emmeans/vignettes/models.html $\endgroup$